Human Capital Solutions
Human Capital Solutions
Recruiting and Staffing Services
Working Together
With every tool comes an appropriate method for its use. Getting the most out of your experience working with Giraffe is easy if you follow these helpful suggestions.
Professional Demeanor: Your style of relating with us demonstrates how you have worked with previous employers. This is an important characteristic, and a likely indicator of your future performance with our client company. We serve to advocate your greatest strengths. However, we also are in the business of locating the best possible candidate.
Honesty: We cannot stress this enough. Please provide an honest reporting of your qualifications, experience, search efforts, job requirements, salary needs, relocation, vacation, benefits, and the like. Giraffe holds your interests close. If it's not a good fit for you or the client, then forcing an unrealistic candidate profile will only delay your finding that next opportunity that's right. With today's technology and information availability, the truth usually finds its way to the surface. If you fabricate your qualities and assets, then it will only eliminate your from consideration.
Enthusiasm: Believe it or not, we get charged up when working with enthusiastic candidates. A motivated candidate is typically hired more often than not. Additionally, this is a characteristic highly valued by the employer because it will spill over into the work environment.
Follow Through: Be committed! Your word must be your bond. This is necessary if you are to make the most of this opportunity, receive the greatest help out of Giraffe, and convince the company to take seriously your application for employment.
Stay Actively Involved: By proactively working to locate that next awesome opportunity, you empower yourself to succeed. Get to know your associate with Spencer Edington. Even if you don't currently desire to change positions, you may in the future. With your candidate profile and resume on file, we can quickly move to secure the job of your dreams when it becomes available.
Be Inquisitive: Please pose every question you have. One of our most important tasks is to ensure you are in the know.
Go Fully Prepared: There is an inexhaustible amount of material on interview preparation. Avail yourself of it and the other tools we have provided. You only get one chance to make a first impression.
Patience: This is helpful during the interview process.It's frustrating-we get it. Still, take comfort in the knowledge that locating the perfect opportunity does take time. Please be patient. We have your best interests at heart.